Zankyou no terror ep 11
Zankyou no terror ep 11

He asks Shibasaki what’s so great about shoge just after he insisted on how funny it is to watch a cat moonwalk, and later insists that it must be a coincidence that a video with two teens warning that “Tokyo will go dark at 3:00 PM” turned out to be true. The fat guy next to the detective-turned-teacher Shibasaki is amusingly dense. Either she’ll end up joining these two guys and becoming more than just an “accomplish,” or end up being their downfall. The more important question though is what she’ll do now that she knows the identity of the terrorists, as it’s unclear just what her role in this story will be. No one forced you to.” She may have just been choosing between that or dying in the government building, but hey, she could have just ignored the signs of helping a terrorist and die in the building. Now she’s essentially been forced into helping some terrorists, but Kokonoe makes sure we don’t think she was completely helpless in all this when he tells Lisa: “You chose to become our accomplish. In this same scene she checks her phone to find a bunch of texts from what’s apparently an overly worried mother, to which she states “I wish everyone would just disappear.” Things are pretty bleak for Lisa here. Once to eat her lunch away from the bullies, and again while on the school fieldtrip for an unknown reason-perhaps she has some anxiety issue, and being alone in a bathroom helps her cope with it. She suffers from a bunch of bullying, to the point where she hides in a bathroom a couple times throughout the episode. Of course, he’s also just trying to lay low due to him and Hisami being terrorists, but then that just means he and Hisami gave up on being normal people long before they got transferred to this school.Īs for Mishima Lisa, well, she’s pretty much a huge pushover, and understandably so. Such as when four girls crowd him and ask for his number, and he quickly brushes them off with a blatant lie of not having a cell phone. He doesn’t even try to act like a normal kid or to associate with normal life, and so just keeps his distance from others. Kokonoe on the other hand is just stoic and jaded.

zankyou no terror ep 11

Perhaps it’s his way of overcompensating for not being raised in a first world environment, where he’d be able to relate to other children better. It’s an act perhaps one he’s done long enough that he’s become the act itself. He clearly doesn’t act like a “normal” kid, which is especially apparent when he acts the exact same way whilst going about his shenanigans as a terrorist. Hisami acts very energetic and carefree, to the point where he doesn’t think much of jumping into a pool and getting his clothes wet just before his first day at a new school. This must be reflective of how the trauma of their experience at the “institution” has affected them and each of them has come to deal with it in their own ways. Hisami and Kokonoe are foils to each other in regards to their personalities, as the above quote spells out for us. Lisa is left speechless by this.“On a hot summer day, I saw a smile as warm as the sun, and a gaze as cold as ice.” Twelve and Lisa return unharmed, but Nine informs her as a result of her decision to live she has decided become their accomplice. Nine takes a photo of the destruction with his phone. Lisa responds that she does not want to die, sending Twelve to extract her as the building crumbles down. Nine`s terse answer is that he will ask her directly. He asks Nine to decide whether they should kill her or keep her alive.

zankyou no terror ep 11

When Twelve is interrupted by Lisa, he gives her one of their stuffed animal bombs and flees the building.

#Zankyou no terror ep 11 free

Assuming the government office building free of surveillance, Nine and Twelve place stuffed animals containing thermite-based explosives beneath the sprinkler systems of the main building. At that moment, the greater Tokyo prefecture loses power and citizens in the building are evacuated without Lisa. While at the government office building, she wishes everyone would disappear in frustration. Lisa withdraws further and begins showing signs of an eating disorder. Nine and Twelve interrupt Lisa Mishima`s classmates as they bully her, then take their place undercover in her school. and large sparks will fly, scattered around the Shinjuku area." Despite the video coming to the attention of former detective Shibazaki, he does not initially report it.

zankyou no terror ep 11

Referring to themselves as Sphinx 1 and 2, two masked teenagers claim "Tokyo will be enveloped by darkness after 3:00 p.m. Six months after the event, a mysterious video is posted on social media. A perpetrator left the message "VON" at the scene of the crime in red paint. In Aomori, Japan, plutonium was stolen from a nuclear fuel reprocessing facility during a snow storm. Смотреть Zankyou no Terror 1 серия Онлайн Falling Falling FALLING La chute

Zankyou no terror ep 11